Living For Education



Über Next-Exam: Mit Hilfe von Next-Exam können Schulen schnell und problemlos eine sichere digitale Prüfungsumgebung zur Verfügung stellen die Datenschutz, Sicherheit vor Schummeln und vorallem Sicherheit vor Datenverlust während der Prüfung garantiert.

Die Zielgruppe dieser Software besteht in erster Linie aus AHS an denen die notwendige Infrastruktur für mächtigere Prüfungsumgebungen, die ein kabelgebundenes LAN mit Domaincontroller und vordefinierten Benutzerkonten benötigen, fehlt.
Diese setzen in der Regel auf BYOD (bring your own device).

Derzeit werden 3 Prüfungsmodi unterstützt:
Mathematik (Geogebra)
Sprachen (mit optionaler Rechtschreibhilfe in Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch und Italienisch)
Eduvidual (außer Eduvidual können keine Ressourcen genutzt werden)

Vorraussetzungen: Next-Exam benötigt eine Netzwerkverbindung (LAN, Wireless LAN, optional Internet) und kann derzeit auf den Betriebssystemen
Windows, Linux und MacOS in Form einer "portable" App genutzt werden.

Information: Next-Exam wird unter der freien Lizenz GPLv3 entwickelt und darf der Lizenz entsprechend eingesetzt und verbreitet werden.
Die Entwicklung der Software kann auf GitLab verfolgt werden.

Nachdem dieses Projekt noch keinerlei Finanzierung hat wurde auf eine kostenpflichtige Signatur die den Entwickler ausweist vorerst verzichtet.
Microsoft Edge blockiert den Download von unsignierten Apps. (Quickfix: Chrome oder Firefox)
=> Menü Downloads (oben rechts)
=> Das Menü (3 Punkte) der heruntergeladenen Datei öffnen
=> "beibehalten"
=> Im neuen Dialog "Mehr anzeigen" wählen
=> Trotzdem Beibehalten
=> Beim Start der App: Erweitert > "trotzdem starten"
=> Firewall Ausnahme zulassen

MacOS unterbindet den Start von unsignierten Apps.
=> App einmalig starten
=> Systemeinstellungen
=> Sicherheit
=> 'Start von "next-exam" dennoch erlauben'

  • dev-testing (dev-tools for debugging)

  • Next-Exam 0.5.4

  • Next-Exam-Student_0.5.4.AppImage
  • Next-Exam-Teacher_0.5.4.AppImage
  • Windows
  • Next-Exam-Student_0.5.4.exe
  • Next-Exam-Teacher_0.5.4.exe
  • MacOS
  • Next-Exam-Student_0.5.4_arm64.dmg
  • Next-Exam-Teacher_0.5.4_arm64.dmg
  • Next-Exam-Student_0.5.4_x64.dmg
  • Next-Exam-Teacher_0.5.4_x64.dmg

  • changelog:
    # autosave on exam-end
    # added complete table functionality to editor
    # added zoomIn and zoomOut to editor
    # added typography and smiley replacement to editor
    # instant reload filelist when receiving new files

    Next-Exam 0.5.2

    # receiving a backup file now triggers replace action for student
    # added new connection loss system also for geogebra
    # backup manually option for student
    # disconnect/reconnect handling in exam mode without leaving exam mode
    # do not enable restrictions in dev mode
    # display foldernames in locale time
    # changed timehint on backupcopy in editor to fileage
    # make user-offline more visible to teacher
    # disabling exam mode triggers a last backup for students
    # disabled META key for applauncher on kde-plasmashell
    # added powersaveblocker
    # fixed a memory bloat problem - moved from saving screenshots to disc to direct use of base64 string
    # filebrowser reverse sort and window height
    # completely removed node express for student
    # revamped texteditor backup-file system
    # moved ipc code to seperate script
    # removed control.js completely
    # removal of students express api - switching to IPC to reduce net overhead and complexity

    Next-Exam 0.4.0

    # updated from electron 16 to electron 21
    # changed pdf right border to make room for annotations
    # fixed dashboard workfolder regression
    # fixed crash on windows when executable is started a second time while first process is still loading, a new tmp dir is now created on every start/unpack
    # fixed ESC button cancels exit dialog and program quits
    # some small changes for the webserver version
    # fix deactivate spellcheck, cleaner spellcheck ui
    # fixed margin setting for pdf creation
    # blocked another 32 shortcotus for gnome dash-to-dock extension
    # disabled another 26 keybindings for gnome
    # fixed bug where examwindow is closed but still kept in memory and blocks creation of new examwindow
    # pinned spellchecker to exam type language, made devtools visibility configurable
    # implemented eduvidual test. login with google, login with microsoft, students are locked-in on the specified test
    # removed jspdf, added statusbar - wordcount - charcount to final pdf
    # added wordcount, redesigned whole html to pdf process resulting in perfect text pdfs with header and footer
    # added some security measures (windows display discovery)

    Next-Exam 0.3.3

    # fixed racecondition that leaves clients locked on connection loss or kick

    Next-Exam 0.3.2

    # fixed crash on special chars like öüä in exam name
    # fix i18n with updated node packages
    # 4 tries before connection loss
    # allow reconnection on connection loss, enable restrictions again
    # set onTop Level above screensaver and panel
    # fixed remove blur listener on connection loss
    # fixed open examwindow always on primary screen

    Next-Exam 0.3.1

    # fixed "get files from student" without safemode
    # simplyfied UI for electron teacher app (no password needed)
    # translations

    Next-Exam 0.3

    # fixed disable spellcheck
    # added multiscreen lock - prduction only
    # fixed crash when imagemagick library is missing on linux
    # added checkbox for optional suggestions
    # fixed kiosk mode for gnome desktop
    # fetching IP from network interface with default gateway
    # blocked gnome mutter overlay key binding
    # catching pdf and embedding it in eduvidual
    # added warning when trying to leave page on eduvidual
    # restructured the code.. split main.ts to windowhandler.js and communicationhandler.js
    # teacher and student are now testing for an active network connection on startup

    Next-Exam 0.2

    # moved all server > client communication to client-pull requests (firewall/external hosting friendly)
    # added statusbar and number of characters to editor component
    # added delete button in dashboard explorer
    # added visualfeedback to some tasks
    # spellchecker works now for en-GB, es, de, fr
    # made automatic retreival interval configurable
    # moved send file(s) to firewall friendly method (pull-only)
    # moved requestExam to firewall friendly method
    # trying to make multicast more reliable
    # if multicast is blocked for some reason all we need now is the serverIP - exams will be fetched automagically
    # fixed flickering in student detail view
    # cleanup html + better cleaner css
    # bigger interval for save function
    # added counter for connected students

    Next-Exam 0.1

    # added eduvidal exam mode option
    # fixed fetch abgabe for geogebra mode
    # added exit confirmation to student and teacher (production only)
    # completely changed the way exammode is initialized on server and client.. moved from push messages to pull requests
    # moved focus check out of views into main process, cleaned code
    # restructuring -> moving api and multicastclient to backend, separating co-dependencies from main, api and multicastclient
    # fixed build problem with form-data
    # moved all 3 exam modi to new (modal) window method
    # fixed save trigger
    # fixed virtualized
    # fixed kick and serverlost race condition
    # fixed ui css for 20+ students
    # fixed end exam event for all exam types
    # fixed newWindow show flickering
    # moved multicast client and express api to backend, fixed crypto.getrandomvalues error (teacher)
    # keep name on connection lost, do not open new window on reconnect - keep old exam window
    # fixed config exposing to renderer process
    # version bump - as this is hardly compatible anymore, finally fixed flickering in teacher UI.. yay!

    Next-Exam 0.0.6

    # switched API to HTTPS
    # fixed selfsigned cert error
    # trying to work around windows restrictions delay
    # disabled notification on tokencheck
    # fixed folder naming and sorting for fetching latest files on windows
    # hide windows keyboardshortcut catcher because it sometimes steals focus on exam start
    # added hostname/ip adress to dashboard
    # added advanced and simple mode for rare cases where multicast is not possible
    # added version check to student and teacher
    # changed dashboard css
    # added beautiful notifications to student
    # fixed crash on missing server folder
    # removed platform-folders as native node provides the same functionality without platform specific builds
    # bug fixes for production env
    # streamlined exam login
    # deactivating startexam button if all students are already in kiosk mode

    Next-Exam 0.0.5

    # added servername to workdirectory # changed foldernames exam-student exam-teacher
    # added option to download latestwork of all students as single pdf and directly print
    # added clipboard clean code for gnome and x11
    # fixed clear-clipboard on macos
    # fixed touchbar import for mac - touchbar is blocked
    # added clear clipboard for kde, testing clearclipboard for windows
    # moved temp folder out of workfolder (zip in zip inception)
    # fixed timeout for save trigger
    # added savedocument trigger onAbgabe
    # added name-time header to document on save
    # fixed crash on focuslost because of missing directory
    # added gnome keybindings block
    # removed node global keylistener as it does not work on mac as expected
    # disable/enable all global keyboardshortcuts on linux/KDE
    # keep focus on exam-student in exam mode.. always!
    # fixed filepath error on focuslost



    Sundar Pichai (google) " Open platforms historically undergo a lot of scrutiny, but there are a lot of advantages to having an open source platform from a security standpoint."